The Scope and Features of Resistance from the Perspective of Imam Khomeini (ra)
The Scope of Resistance
First of all, it should be noted that Imam Khomeini's thought is rooted in his religious worldview, the observance of divine duties and fulfilling of Islamic principles and teachings. Accordingly, the most important aspect of his intellectual thought was viewing as a divine duty the realization of inviting societies towards stability and resistance against oppression and arrogance. However, concerning the call to resistance, he separated it into two areas; (1) resistance against the internal enemy and endeavor to maintain values such as unity and justice and (2) repelling the external enemy and standing up to protect the religion of Allah.
Regarding the first enemy, Imam Khomeini (ra) states:
“Everything lies in uprising for Allah… Rise up for Allah’s sake, in groups and on your own. The latter is for the attainment of knowledge of Allah and the former is for achieving divine purposes.
Because man, who is the representative of God on earth... when not resisting the forces of lust and anger, would be deviated from the right path, since the forces of lust and anger are created and controlled by evil qualities such as lying, deceit, and hypocrisy, while corruption is rooted in the Satanic and evil faculties. Man, after having grown and reached the age of maturity, becomes a beast of uncommon rarity. It surpasses all other beasts and devils in the abovementioned qualities, becoming only stronger and more completely devilish and bestial.
It is only that man who enjoys proper upbringing and resistance against the forces of lust that reaches absolute perfection. If he reaches absolute perfection, an immense sense of serenity of soul and tranquility will be achieved. Because the tranquility of the heart lies in getting proximity to Allah. Man should not deviate from the straight path and the path of humanity, otherwise, he will become an animal more dangerous than all animals. The faculties of human anger and lust will set the world on fire and destroy its structures, the relationships between creation and the foundations of civilization and religiosity.” Therefore, the realization of the perfection of man that Islam pursues depends on the implementation of duties and obligations, which according to Imam Khomeini (ra), are summarized as rising up for the sake of Allah and rising up for self-purification. “One should sincerely get engaged in self-purification, and that is when the self will be reformed and purified.”
Regarding the second enemy and rising up for protecting the religion of Allah, Imam Khomeini (ra) believes that the channel of Dawah (invitation) constitutes informing Muslims of the confrontation between pure Islam and the American one, as well as the regressive Islam and fake Islam introduced by those who seek to satisfy their interests and egos. Furthermore, he is of the opinion that the victory of Muslims in all fields lies in resistance. “The Zionists plan for domination and hegemony over the Islamic world is to exploit its abundant resources. Only through steadfastness, devotion and unity can the Muslim countries rid themselves of the ghastly nightmare of Zionist expansionism.”
Accordingly, Imam Khomeini's approach to resistance can be explained in two areas of positive and negative indicators. The realization of social justice, the creation of unity and empathy, seeking independence, and the implementation of religious teachings are among the most important positive indicators of resistance through which the Islamic Ummah can overcome challenges and obstacles. In expressing the negative characteristics of resistance, it is necessary to point out that everything that is in conflict with religious teachings can be considered a negative indicator. For Imam Khomeini (ra), the threats made against Islamic resistance are rooted in the concept of American Islam, the goals of which are defined as aristocracy, fanaticism and colonialism.
Explaining that his basic goal was establishing Islamic justice, Imam Khomeini (ra) states: “I extend my hand in all humbleness to all the factions who are in the service of Islam, and implore them to strive in unison for the cause of fostering Islamic justice, which is the sole path to the nation’s prosperity.” Likewise, he said: “We want to establish Islamic justice in this country… The Islam where there is no oppression whatsoever, the Islam where the highest and lowest subjects are equal before the law.”
Among the components that should be mentioned on the issue of resistance is anti-arrogance. Imam Khomeini's (ra) characteristic of being anti-arrogance has a natural-human origin and a Quranic meaning. At the same time, it also has a combative and revolutionary function. Fighting against oppression and negating arrogance was one of the basic principles of Imam Khomeini's struggles. The elimination of oppression and the fight against arrogance as a religio-political responsibility have left the most impressive effects on the uprisings of the oppressed nations against the oppressive system ruling the world. Believing that the prosperity and peace in the world depended on the elimination of the arrogant powers, Imam Khomeini (ra) states: “As long as these domineering powers exist, the oppressed will not get the inheritance that Allah has provided for them.”
From the beginning of the Islamic movement, especially after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini (ra) always emphasized on supporting the deprived and the oppressed: “The free nation of Iran supports the oppressed nations of the world against those whose logic is based on force, and whose slogan is placed on the head of a gun. We support all the campaigns for freedom across the world, those that fight in the way of God, truth, reality and freedom.”
Reference: Islamic Revolution Research Quarterly. Vol 11, No 1, Spring 2022, Pp 215-235.
Archive of Imam Khomeini
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