The Thought of the Islamic Revolution
Islamic Revolution of Iran, Islamic Lifestyle and Strengthening the Family Foundation(2)
The Role of Women in Today's World Given Imam Khomeini's statement that “women should be involved in the country’s major affairs”, which is a necessity for the preservation and institutionalization of the Revolution, the term...
Islamic Revolution of Iran, Islamic Lifestyle and Strengthening the Family Foundation(1)
The Role of Women in the Victory of the Islamic Revolution What rendered women voiceless before the Islamic Revolution of Iran was the peripheral role they were playing and the prevailing patriarchal culture governing the society. However, recognizing...
Revival and Abolition of Consular Jurisdiction in Iran
After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, based on the proposal of the Council of Ministers and the approval of the Islamic Revolutionary Council, on May 13, 1979, the Capitulation rights and privileges and their attachments were permanently and...
Comparing the Approaches of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and the United States to Terrorism (2) The United States
The United States Approach to Extremism and Terrorism The United States’ presence in the Persian Gulf in 1971 after the British withdrawal from this region, exacerbated the tensions. Supporting the authoritarian regimes, military...
Comparing the Approaches of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and the United States to Terrorism (1) The Islamic Revolution of Iran
A study of the United States’ history of such events reveals that with the end of the Cold War, the policy of maintaining the status quo gave way to a kind of engineering “management and guidance” of the new situation that aimed to...
The Minority Rights in the International Laws and the Islamic Republic of Iran (2) Minority Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran
A) Religious Minorities in Iran Religious minority groups in Iran are divided into three general categories: Christian, Zoroastrian, and Jewish. 1. Christians At the end of the 6th century, Christianity was spread...
The Minority Rights in the International Laws and the Islamic Republic of Iran (1) The Significance of Supporting the Minority Rights
A) Minority Rights in the International Law Minority rights have been taken into account and addressed in various international documents in terms of two aspects: respecting minorities’ human rights and non-discrimination in terms of...
Free-Thinking in the Discourse of the Islamic Revolution
The concept of free-thinking in the scientific and academic circles of Iran goes back to the early 2000s, when the Leader of the Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei, addressed this issue in a speech and also on other various occasions. For instance, he...
Three Sides of the Islamic Revolution of Iran
Typically, a revolution will succeed when a bipolar atmosphere prevails over society. A situation in which social groups are separated from the ruling political system and stand against it. Such a society is faced with a kind of dualism (duality of...
The Scientific Progress of Iran after the Islamic Revolution
In the current situation where production of science is regarded as a power for a country, the study of scientific functions in terms of quantity and quality and recognition of the characteristics of different thematic areas to evaluate the scientific...
The Role of the Army in the Islamic Revolution of Iran
In different revolutions of the world, the position of the armed forces and their orientation toward supporting or opposing the revolutionary forces and the ruling system, have played a decisive role in the fate of revolutions. The reason for the...
Religious Democracy: The Soft Power of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Religious democracy on the basis of Wilayat al-Faqih (Guardianship of the Jurisprudent) is one of the components of Iran’s soft and cognitive power. By organizing a kind of political system, this achievement was able to, while maintaining democracy...
Minorities in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran
The Demands of the Minorities In today’s world, the issue of the minorities’ demands is raised because the spread of large and dominant cultures equipped with powerful information and government tools has been seen as a threat to...
The Impact of the Islamic Revolution of Iran on the Islamic Movements of Central Asia
Regional and Global Stability of the Islamic Revolution As far as the regional and global consequences of the Revolution of Iran is concerned, there are four main theories all of which feature the influence of Islamic and religious factors...
The Impact of the Islamic Revolution in Iran on the Popular Uprisings in the Arab World
the Islamic Revolution in Iran has played a role in creating and reinforcing the dignity and self-confidence of Muslims, including Sunnis and Shi’ahs, regardless of their nationality or political affiliation. This Islamic revival has been...
The Role of Spiritual Power in the Establishment of the Islamic Revolution of Iran
The Conceptual Features of the Conventional (Secular) Spirituality The term spirituality is widely used in contemporary literature. Usually, works that deal with man's relationship with a being beyond the material world, use this...
The Experience of Cultural Revolution in Iran from the Historical Sociology Perspective
Cultural Revolution in Iran Contrary to the ridiculous claims about the death of religion in today’s daily lives of human beings, the Islamic Revolution showed that religion presents a program for life and is a source of change....
Evaluating Women’s Political Participation and Factors Affecting it after the Victory of the Islamic Revolution
Women’s Political Participation from the Islamic Perspective In contrast to Liberal and Marxist theories, the Islamic view is based on revelation. Addressing the equality of men and women and their creation, God says in the Holy Quran:...
From the “Ruler Selected by People” to “Religious Democracy”
The Study of People’s Position in the “System of Wilayah” from the Perspectives of Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei A) “The System of Wilayah (Guardianship)” from the Perspective of Imam...
Cultural Export of the Islamic Revolution
Islamic Ideology One of the sources of the soft power of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, through which messages of Revolution is transferred to other Muslim countries, is the common Islamic ideology which is the cause of the unification of...